For many businesses, 2021 was a tough year with stop-start Covid restrictions affecting income and business continuity. As we enter 2022, with lockdowns still a thing of the present rather than the past, it’s understandable that many business owners and leaders remain nervous of the future.
But the many ways in which we have been helping businesses not just stay afloat, but thrive during 2021, gives us confidence that we can help more businesses like yours navigate the months ahead.
We do a lot more than just finance new assets. How might we help you in 2022?
- We can help you to spread the cost of your Corporation tax, self-assessment, VAT and professional Indemnity insurance over 3,6, 10 or 12 months to suit your budget **
- Access the super deduction tax incentive to encourage investment in new, unused plant and machinery and boost productivity meaning your businesses can cut taxes by up to 25p for every £1 invested.
- Talk you through the Recovery Loan Scheme which has been extended until June 2022 – the eligibility criteria has been simplified to ensure those that need help get it.
- To help you maintain cashflow, we have developed a range of refinancing solutions that add much needed funds while keeping your assets
And finally, a big thank you to everyone that opened the Christmas card we sent in December, Credo have donated a fantastic £1100 for The Community Sports Foundation.
We all wish you and your business a fantastic New Year, and remember we are here for you whenever you need us to be.
Find out more by calling Credo Asset Finance on 01603 381955 or email