Credo were delighted to award a £100 cheque to the winners of our competition this week.
As a company we are passionate about supporting local causes, so we asked people to post the name of their local charity/good cause and then we randomly picked a winner! And the winner was Therapy Aid!
Calling unpaid carers in Norfolk
Therapy Aid offer a course of free relaxing and beneficial therapies (such as massage, reflexology) via a network of professional therapists throughout the County.
They raise money through events and donations to pay participating therapists for their time ensuring that TherapyAid continues as a high quality sustainable service.
Why Unpaid Carers?
Their experience as professional therapists has given them an insight into the tremendous job that unpaid and informal carers do.
Carers save the UK approximately £130 billion a year and Norfolk services £1.6 billion a year, and they do so without thought to their own well-being and mental and emotional health. Often their only complaints are a few aches and pains, but we know from experience that it goes much deeper than that.
Giving unpaid carers some dedicated time to de-stress and rebalance means that they will be in a better position to care for their loved ones, and are more likely to stay in better health themselves.
Who are Therapy Aid?
The Jackie Hamilton School of Therapies is an accredited school that has been successfully training adults in massage, reflexology, sports massage therapy, aromatherapy and anatomy and physiology since 2005. Jackie won Federation of Holistic Therapies, Therapist of the Year 2019.
The Therapy Aid Committee was formalised in April 2019 by Jackie and a number of her tutors and graduates are now seeking charitable status.
They received vital funding from Norwich Charitable Trusts, and Change Grow Live.
The service from TherapyAid will eventually be available to any unpaid carer supporting a Norfolk resident who is affected by a disability or long term health condition. Carers will be entitled to receive up to five treatments free of charge from participating therapists.
They may be referred to TherapyAid by the care groups they are in contact with such as Carers Matter as well as care agencies and GPs.
Having a network of participating therapists through the county will give the carer the option of being treated at home or in a nearby clinic, therefore making the most of any respite they have.
Credo are thrilled to be giving this amazing charity this prize, and know that this money will give carers 5 free treatments from their therapists.
For more information on the charity please click www.therapyaid.co.uk or contact Jackie on 01603 441160