We were delighted to see our customer driving away in her new VW Camper over the weekend.
This was the first customer taking delivery from a new business East Point Motorhomes in Lowestoft started by Greg Sampson and Mark Andrews.
Credo was delighted to work with Greg & Mark and provide finance for Mrs Linda Windley enabling her to purchase the vehicle of her dreams, which she wants to use to visit all friends and relatives that she has missed through lockdown and have somewhere for her dogs to stay while she catches up.
Mark Andrews – Director of East Point Motorhomes said “Many thanks to Dan Bourne from Credo Finance who has supported our new venture and assisted in our first completed sale and made the whole process easy, I feel it is the start of a successful partnership”
Linda is super pleased with her camper and the service she received from East Point and from Credo, and even the sun shined on collection day!
Happy motoring Linda!
If you are eager to explore this year and want to purchase your own motorhome then please get in touch with Dan at Credo today on 07493 062246 [email protected]